Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buku Part 2

Alhamdulillah, im still live in Islam and Iman..Thanks ya Allah, let me breath in this beautiful and full of barakah morning..

"Bila Allah Menduga Kita" written by Syed Alwi Alatas. Chapter 2 in this book told us abt believe in our destiny(Takdir). It is not only good destiny but bad destiny. Sometime Allah gave us good destiny, but sometime, Allah test us with bad destiny. How we face both of it?
"Tiada suatu bencana pun yg menimpa bumi & (x pla) pd dirimu sendiri melainkan tlh tertulis dlm kitab (Lohmahfuz) sblm Kami menciptakannya, sesungguhnya yg demikian itu adlh mudah bg Allah." (al-Hadiid:22)

Both of the destiny are good for us. Its not what the destiny, but how we face it. In Quran Allah said "Maybe u like it, but it does't mean, it is good for u, and maybe u don't like it, but it is good for u". We don't know, what is the best for us, but Allah knows every things. Two simple example..

The first example is, the story abt Qarun. He is a rich man in Firaun's period. If we think logically, it is the best things for Qarun because live in wealth. All of us, want to be like him. Have a lot of money. But, it is what Qarun and all of us like, is good? The answer is not. The fact, what had Qarun have, did't gave his good ending in his life.
"Maka kami benamkanlah Qarun beserta rumahnya ke dlm bumi. Maka x ada bgnya suatu golgn pun yg menolongny thdp azab Allah. & tiadalah dia t'masuk org2 membela. Dan jdlah org2 yg kelmarin mencita-citakan kedudukan Qarun itu b'kata, "aduhai bnrlh Allah melapangkn rezeki bg siapa yg Dia kehendaki dr hamba-hambanya & menyempitkanny kalau Allah x melimpahkn kurniaNya ats kita, bnr2 Dia tlh m'benamkn kita. Aduhai benarlah , x bruntung org2 yg mengingkari," (al-Qashash:81-82).
See, what we think good for us, it does't mean, it is really good for us.

The second example is, the war. If we think logically, no body in this world like the war. War will give bad impact for us. Peoples will be killed building will be destroy, and so on. But in certain condition, we need to have a war, to defend our religion(Islam). "Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahal berperang itu adlh sesuatu yg kamu benci. Boleh jadi kamu mmbnci sesuatu, pdhl dia amat baik bgmu & boleh jd kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal dia amt buruk bgmu. Allah mengetahui, sdgkn kamu x mengetahui." (al-Baqarah:216)

As a conclusion, accept with open heart what ever Allah give to us. Regardless it is what we like or not. Because it already written for us(Takdir), & Allah knows what is the best for us.
Ali bin Abi Thalis r.a said
"Wahai anak Adam, jgnlah (keterlaluan) gembira dgn kekayaan, jgnlah keterlaluan berputus asa dgn kefakiran, jgnlah berduka dgn bencana, jgn (keterlaluan) d'sng dgn kelapangan krn emas itu diuji dgn api. Seorang hamba yg soleh diuji dgn bala. Sesungguhnya engkau x akn m'dptkn apa yg kau inginkan kecuali dgn meninggalkn semua yg engkau inginkn. engkau x akn mencapai cita-citamu kecuali dgn b'sbr menanggung apa yg x engkau sukai. Kerahkan segenap kemampuanmu utk memelihara yg difardhukan."
(To be continued..InsyAllah)

Hopefully, what I had shared today, will give benefits to us. Maybe u all feel something wrong abt me today. Why I am writing in English..hehehe. :) actually, i got the inspiration from one of my blog list. Most of the post was wrote in English. Really interesting!! I wish i can write and speak well in English like him. But i english is poor. But, it does't mean, i must give up with my self right?? hehehe.. i'll try my best n practice to write n speak in english..hehe..Insyallah...

last but not least, im sorry if u all hard to understand what i had wrote.. :) (hehe..broken english kali..) anyway, enjoy ur self wif my blog..salam sayang 2 all of u..muah3..

1 conteng-conteng:

b d H a 2 r Y :] said...

SaLaM riaNg ria :]
wOow,,,niCe bEb.. .
thaNqiUuu 4 sHariNg.. .

s.E.N.y.U.m :)

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